This edition of Q&A with Dr. Q. addresses something a lot of pet owners wonder about: are there human, over-the-counter medications that we can give our pets?
There may be cases where you're able to give your pet human medication, but I wouldn't recommend it outright. It's very risky to do so without the guidance or your veterinarian. The information about doses of medication are based on general weight ranges for humans, not dogs or cats. It's frighteningly easy for a pet to overdose on over-the-counter medication. What's worse, a lot of human medications, such as Tylenol and anti-inflammatory drugs, can lead to kidney disease or failure in cats and dogs. It can be heartbreaking, and I've seen it many times in my veterinary practice experience.
We need to be careful ourselves when taking many different over-the-counter medications. That level of care has to be even higher when it comes to our furry loved ones. It's way too large a risk to take. Always check with your vet first before giving your pet any human medication!