In this edition of Q&A with Dr. Q., we address something our dogs do that can look pretty funny, but should be taken seriously. You may have seen your dog "scooting", or dragging their behind across the ground. Do you wonder why they do this?
Just behind your dog's rectum are two glands, known as anal glands, or anal sacs. These are scent glands, and they will secrete a fluid. The glands are usually expressed through regular bowel movements and other activities from the dog, but can occasionally fill up with fluid, and become itchy and irritated. When this happens, the dog will attempt to chew at their behind, or drag it across the floor or ground in an attempt to express the fluid themselves. This can happen most often in small breeds, but larger breed dogs can be affected as well.
If you are concerned at all about your dog's behaviour, be sure to consult your veterinarian. When dealing with an issue around the anal glands, the vet will normally shave the area around the dog's rectum to perform an examination. If there are signs of irritation, they will apply ointment to the area. They may then put on some latex gloves, insert a finger into the dog's rectum, and express the glands manually. If the case is more serious, the dog may need to be sedated and the glands flushed or even surgically removed.
In some cases, this scooting or butt dragging activity can be the sign of a tumour or abscess, so it shouldn't be taken lightly! It can seem like strange or silly behaviour at first, and it can be a gross topic to deal with. I appreciate you taking the time to understand the issues behind your dog's scooting behaviour, and your pet will too!